(Day 3) Unit 3 Sections 5-7 Notes + Hacks
Booleans and Conditionals
Boolean: a data type. it has two possible values.
- can only be 1 or 0
- a = b - equal to
- a (not equal to symbol) b - not equal to
- a > b - greater than
- a < b - less than
- a (is greater than or equal to symbol) b - greater than or equal to
- a (is less than or equal to symbol) b - less than or equal to
EXERSICE: Use a boolean expression to determine if the average grade is above an 80 and print the result (True or False).
allGrades = [90, 65, 60, 75, 95]
# used the sum and length functions, divided them
allGradesAve = sum(allGrades)/len(allGrades)
# if and else statements to determine if average is less than or greater than 80
if allGradesAve > 80:
print ("True. The average grade is above an 80.")
print ("False. The average grade is below an 80.")
print("100 == 100:",100==100)
print("Hello == Adios:","greeting"=="farewell")
print("Hello != Adios:","greeting"!="farewell")
print("Hello == Hola:","greeting"=="greeting")
print("5>=4:", 5>=4)
print ('')
# Notice that relational operators can even work on lists!
# For lists, the relational operator compares each respective component until an answer is derived
print("['a','b','c'] > ['x','y','z']:", ['a','b','c'] > ['x','y','z'])
print("[1,2,3,5] > [1,2,3,4]:", [1,2,3,5] > [1,2,3,4])
print("[1,2,3,5] < [1,2,3,4]:", [1,2,3,5] < [1,2,3,4])
print("[1,2,3,5] == [1,2,3,4]:", [1,2,3,5] == [1,2,3,4])
EXERSICE: Turn the following arithmetic phrases into either True or False statements as indicated USING LOGICAL OPERATORS
print("1 > 2 or 5 < 12:",1 > 2 or 5 < 12)
# Output TRUE using OR ^
# Output FALSE using NOT
print("24 > 8:", not 24 > 8)
# Output FALSE using AND
print("10 > 20:", 10 > 20 and 20 < 10)
Selection: uses a condition
- result - TRUE or FALSE
- Algorithm: set of instructions that accomplish a task
x = 20
y = 10
if x > y:
print("x is greater than y")
x = 0
y = 10
if x > y:
print("x is greater than y")
print("x is not greater than y")
num1 = 1
num2 = 2
sum = num1 + num2
if sum == 200:
score = 82
if (score >= 90)
console.log("You got an A, congrats!")
if (score >= 75)
console.log("Please come to retake up to a 90 next week at tutorial!")
console.log("You have detention!")
protein = 25
carbs = 36
sugar = 11
if (carbs >= 55 || protein <= 20 || sugar >= 15)
console.log("Your lunch is too unhealthy, please pick a new one")
if (carbs < 35 || protein < 25)
console.log ("This lunch is alright but try to add some more carbs or protein")
if (sugar >= 11)
console.log ("Looks great but lets see if we can cut down on sugar, we don't want diabetes!")
console.log ("Amazing, you created a healthy lunch!!!")
- NOTE: || = or in javascript
Writing Nested Code Activity
- Write a program that fits these conditions using nested conditionals:
- If a person has at least 8 hours, they are experienced
- If a person is experienced their salary is 90k, if they have ten hours or above their salary 150k
- If a person is inexperienced their salary is always 50k
- print the salary of the person at the end and whether they are experienced or not
hours = 30
sal = ""
experienced = True
# using operators to determine the salary
if (hours >= 10):
sal = "150k"
elif (hours >= 8):
sal = "90k"
sal = "50k"
experienced = False
# printing the final statement
print ('The person has a salary of:' , sal,'and has experience:' , experienced)
Hacks Assignments:
- Write a program that fits these conditions using nested conditionals:
- If the product is expired, print "this product is no good"
- If the cost is above 50 dollars, and the product isn't expired, print "this product is too expensive"
- If the cost is 25 dollars but under 50, and the product isn't expired, print "this is a regular product"
- If the cost is under 25 dollars, print "this is a cheap product"
expired = False
cost = 50
print('this product is no good')
if (cost > 50):
print('this product is too expensive')
elif (cost < 25):
print('this is a cheap product')
print('this is a regular product')
- Create a multiple choice quiz that ...
- uses Boolean expressions
- uses Logical operators
- uses Conditional statements
- prompts quiz-taker with multiple options (only one can be right)
- has at least 3 questions
- Points will be awarded for creativity, intricacy, and how well Boolean/Binary concepts have been intertwined
# used a dictionary with a question as the key and a list of multiple choice as values for the quiz
quiz = {"Who is the author of It Ends With Us":["a. Holly Jackson","b. Colleen Hoover", "c. Lisa Jewell", "d. Jennifer Barnes"], "Who is the author of Percy Jackson":["a. JK Rowling", "b. Holly Jackson","c. Rick Riordan", "d. Colleen Hoover"]
, "When was a Good Girl's Guide to Murder Published":["a. 2019","b. 2018", "c. 2020", "d. 2021"], "When was It Starts with Us Published":["a. 2019","b. 2020", "c. 2021", "d. 2022"]}
# for the answers, used the question as the key and the multiple choice letter as the value
answers = {"Who is the author of It Ends With Us":"b", "Who is the author of Percy Jackson":"c", "When was a Good Girl's Guide to Murder Published":"a", "When was It Starts with Us Published":"d"}
count = 0
# iterating through the dictonary's keys and values
for k,v in quiz.items():
# printing the key and it's values
print(*v, sep = '\n')
# taking the user input for the answer, entering ab
user_input = input("Enter Your Answer")
# comparing that with the answer's value
# incrementing the count
count = count +1
# printing the user's score
print('You got', count, 'correct answers')