Key Vocabulary

  • “git clone” - makes a Git repository
  • .git directory - keeps track of local changes using a local databose.
  • “git commit” - takes a snapshot on the local database.
  • .gitignore file - tells .git to ignore certain files
  • “git push” - moves files to github

Questions and Answers for Hacks

What is the main repository for your project?

  • The main repository for our project is the Group_Flask repository that is under Claire Chen’s name.

Did you create a .gitignore to avoid committing files that ‘don’t belong in version control? Look at this tool for guidance.

  • No, we didn’t create a .gitignore to avoid committing files that ‘don’t belong in version control. But my group is planning to make one because it can help make the process of commiting our final project more streamlined.

Do you have a requirements.txt file to manage dependencies introduced to your Code Base?

  • No, we don’t have a requirements.txt file to manage dependencies introduced to our Code Base, but we think it’s a good idea to create one.

Have you established Issues as part of your Development process?

  • Yes, we have. We also made a space on our scrum board to add issues throughout our development process.

Have you considered making Pull Requests to track development?

  • We haven’t considered making pull requests to track development, but we plan to read the attached blog post on how to ultilize them.

Have you considered forks or branching techniques with pull requests?

  • No, we haven’t considered forks or branching techniques with pull requests.

Are you managing Issues on a Project Board/Scrum Board like Kanban?

  • Yes, our group is managing issues on Project Board/Scrum Board. We have a fully organized scrum board on github that is shared by all members of our group.