College Board Video Topic 1.3 - Program Design and Development Notes
My notes from the college board videos.
Video 1
- dev process: ordered + intentional or exloratory
- investigating and reflecting
- designing
- prototyping
- testing
- dev process requires revision based on testing and experiance
- breaks down the steps before adding it to the whole
- adds investiagtion to determine requirments
- collecting data through surveys
- user testing
- interviews
- direct observations
- program requirements describe how a program functions and many include a description of user interactions
- in a dev process, the design phase outlines how to accompish a given specification
- design phase:
- brainstorming
- planning/storyboarding
- organizing the program into modules
- creation of diagrams that represent the user interface
- development of a testing stategy for the program
- starts with an idea
- dev with purpose
- start investigating the problem/purpose and reflect
- determine requirments
- understand constraints
- investigtion
- design the program
- story boarding
- planning user experiance
- organizing into modules
- develop a testing statagy
- decide on program reqirments: highlight them in the program specifications
- create a prototye
- testing (micro level and macro level)
- refine
Video 2
- acknowlege code segments used by another source or developed collabrotively
- do this in the program documentation: inclide orgin or orginonal author’s name
- programs are usually developed by teams of people
- indivuals work on different functional components
- each member deserves to recive credit for work in the documentation (list names)
- comments with names giving credit
Video 3
- program documentation: written description of function of code segemnt, event, procedure, or program, and how it was develiped
- commentats = form of documetation
- document throughout development
- some enviorments don’t support comments
- program documentation
- describe overall program
- list specifications
- document
- in the beggining
- during: to keep track of process
- after: to explain the overall process
- documentation can improve:
- efficiency
- programmers’ ability to test + refine the program
- programmers’ respose to bugs
- comments can be useful when programmers work collaboratively
- Examples of comments
- python: on lines that follow the hastag symbol
- java: single line comments appear after // and /* is for multiple line comments and /** documentation comments, end with another foreward slash