See a checklist of the requiremnts here!

Student 1

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 0 0 This didn’t earn the point because the purpose in both the video and the response weren’t specific.
Data Abstraction 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 2. The written response shows both code segments and explains the list.
Managing Complexity 1 0 I initally thought this earned the point, but in reality, according to college board, the response didn’t show how the list manages complexity.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 4. It has a description of a prodcedure.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 5. It descibes an algorithm really well.
Testing 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 6. It shows the results of two calls.

Student 2

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 0 1 I initally thought that the student didn’t define the program purpose in the video, but according to college board they got the point. It doesn’t have to be stated.
Data Abstraction 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 2. The written response shows both code segments and explains the list.
Managing Complexity 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 3. It has a list that manages complexity and talks about what would happen if the list wasn’t present.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 4. It has a description of the functionality of the prodcedure.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 5. It descibes how the algorithm works.
Testing 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 6. It shows the results of two calls with two different results.

Key Learnings and Reflection

By scoring the student samples I learned that I need to shown the input, output and program fuction in the video in a short amount of time. In the writtten response, I need to have the input, output, function, a list that manages complexity, an algoirthm, and two different calls and their results. My scoring was different from the college board scoring was in the program purpose and function. College board awarded the point for student 2, while I didn’t. This tells me that you don’t have to specifcally state the purpose in the video. In addition, for the list managing complexity, you have to explain how the list functions.