5.5 Post Blog Reflection

When you create a GitHub repository it requests a license type. Review the license types in relationship to this Tech Talk and make some notes in your personal blog.

When you create a GitHub repository it requests a license type. These different types have specfic guidlines on using other people’s code. We will probably use the MIT License becuase code can be used with credit given. The other license types for github are GNU GPL v3.0, MIT License, Apache License 2.0, and GNU GPL v2.0.

In your blog, summarize the discussions and personal analysis on Software Licenses/Options, Digital Rights, and other Legal and Ethical thoughts from this College Board topic.

All Software Licenses/Options depend on the level of privacy needed for the particular tyle of softward. Varying degrees of privacy can lead to a wide variety of lisences used.

Make a license for your personal (blog) and Team repositories for the CPT project. Be sure to have a license for both Team GitHub repositories (frontend/backend). Document license(s) you picked and why. FYI, frontend, since it is built on GitHub pages may come with a license and restrictions. Document in blog how team made license choice and process of update.

My personal repository has a Apache License v2. This license was already present when I cloned it. Our group used a gnu license.

5.6 Blog Post Reflection:

Describe PII you have seen on project in CompSci Principles.

In our group’s project, we will be collecting the user’s name, email, and password. We are planning on encrypting user passwords.

What are your feelings about PII and your personal exposure?

I typically am not very opinionated about PII, but I do belive that some amount of security should be maintained. I don’t think too much personal information should be online, but I think a little bit can’t hurt.

Describe good and bad passwords? What is another step that is used to assist in authentication.

Good passwords are typically hard to guess and usually something complex. Bad passwords are simple words. Another step that is used to assist in authentication is two factor authtentication. For example, on instagram, you can add a recovery email or phone number.

Try to describe Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption.

Asymmmetric encryption uses both private and public keys while symmeteric encryption and decryption happen in one step.

Provide an example of encryption we used in AWS deployment.

When we created our AWS instances, we used symmetric encryption.

Describe a phishing scheme you have learned about the hard way. Describe some other phishing techniques.

I haven’t experianced phishing attack, but I read somewhere that 91 percent of cyber attacks are from emails. Emails promising money will trick users into installling malicious software.