Reflection Questions:

Think of three beneficial effects of your projects based on 5.1 Unit.

Three benefits of our project are that people can get a sense of entertainment, get stress relief, and can enhance their creative thinking.

Think of a potential harmful effect of your project.

A potential harmful effect of our project is because of our leaderboard, people might feel that they are being compared to other people.

Answer with an opinion and learnings so far this year: What are the pros/cons of internet blockers at routers and the lack of admin passwords on lab machines at school?

The pros of internet blockers and admin passwords are that certain websites (that harm students’ learning) can be blocked. On the other hand, students might feel like they aren’t trusted by adminstration and might want to rebel by finding new ways to bypass these limitations.

What concerns do you have personally about the digital divide? For yourself or for others.

I don’t have any concerns for myself about the digital divide. But for others whose families aren’t as financially stable as mine is, I’m concerned that they might not have access to digital divices to further their learning.

5.1 Notes

  • Every invention has benefits and harmful effects, ex - a drone - used in search and resuce + military uses
  • ChatGPT
    • It does most things you ask it. Does math homework, does history homework.
    • Disruptive technology - changes the way people do stuff in everyday life
    • People concerned by it: poets, artists, google
      • If chatGPT does well, it changes the entire business model
    • Positive effects
      • School banning: it shouldn’t be banned bc it’s a faster way of streamlining internet searching.
    • Negative effects
      • Instead of learning, students just ask the bot and don’t think critically
      • The algorithm is biased - because it’s not considering other points of view or other solutions. Limited perspective.
  • Video Games
    • postives
      • fun
      • relaxation
    • negatives
      • school work will be lacking
      • a waste of time
      • lack of exposure to real world
  • Automated Telephone Trees - same employers money - reduce hold times

5.1 Blog Post Reflection

Come up with three of your own Beneficial and corresponding Harmful Effects of Computing.

The benefical effects of computing are that it saves time and effort. It also brings people together. The harmful effects are that it can lead to isolation in certain situations, increases unemployment, and the chances of data being stolen.

Talk about dopamine issues above. Real? Parent conspiracy? Anything that is impacting your personal study and success in High School?

I think that the dopamine issues are real. You can feel like you’re doing something greater than you actually are. This can lead to kids withdrawing from school. It can negatively impact success in high school.

5.2 Notes

  • In our classroom - the type/age of computer each person has
  • Poor countries have less access to technology
  • divide contributing factors:
    • money
    • location
    • education
    • nationality
    • religion
    • ethnicity)
  • Us vs google
    • They probably have better internet than we do
    • Latest and greatest digital tools
    • Websites aren’t blocked
    • Access to more resources
    • Get free paid for software
    • Better computers, better chairs, better desks
    • Better servers to run the code
    • chatGPT, youtube isn’t blocked
  • But then again, we are better off than other schools
    • Their students don’t come digitally equipped
  • Visat - want to give internet where they don’t have internet, they are shortening the digital divide
    • Africa
    • Asian counties
    • Ukraine

5.2 Blog Post Reflection – Digital Empowerment

How does someone empower themself in a digital world?

Someone can empower themselves in a digital world by having digital devices and using them to work around the world.

How does someone that is empowered help someone that is not empowered? Describe something you could do at Del Norte HS.

Someone that is empowered can attempt to offer digital devices to anyone that is not empowered. At del norte, if I see a student in my class who doesn’t have their device to work on an assignment, I could offer mine for a short amount of time so that they can make progress on their assignment.

Is paper or red tape blocking digital empowerment? Are there such barriers at Del Norte? Elsewhere?

A major barrier blocking digital empowerment are economic reasources. There are such barriers at del norte and in other places. Certain students can have better devices and opportunites because their families are better off than other families.