Mathematical Expressions and Strings Presentation Planning
Planning for Presentation
Big Idea 3-4: Mathematical Expressions and Strings
What is an Algorithm?
Algorithm: a set of instructions that can accompish a specific task.
An Algorithm has Three Components
1) Sequencing: Algorithms do tasks in the order of specification.
2) Selection: Helps choose two different outcomes based off a decision to make.
3) Iteration: If something is true, then the code repeats. An example of this would be a “For loop”
Two Ways to Represent Algorithms
1) Flowcharts: Use shapes and arrows to represent the steps of an algorithm.
2) Psudocode: A blend of human language and coding format. “Fake code.”
- Open up a new blog post and title it “Big Idea 3-4 (Mathematical Expressions and Strings) - Algorithm Hacks.”
- Then, design an algorithm to add two numbers and display the result.
- Number the steps in your algorithm
- Use around 5-7 steps
- Lastly, make a flowchart OR psudocode reprsentation of the steps that you wrote.
- For flowcharts: Use corrent shapes and lines. Feel free to ask to view the example above. Make your flowchart in google drawings.
- For psudocode: Do five minutes of extra reaserch to understand the basic formatting and rules of psudocode